Collective Timeline

the public version of our collective timeline

a handful of events will eventually have
individual pages linked

[ content may trigger ]

Event Date TW(s) Category Short Description Relevant System Members More Info
Start of This Timeline

2024 » [04]
Apr. 24

- Public Content

Sy begins putting together this timeline page.

Sy -
That One File

2024 » [04]
Apr. 20

Abuse, CSA System History
Click to ReadSy, Deidal, Renata, Solitaire, Equalizer, and Thirteen revisit That One File from June of 2006.

A discussion is had about the event, the prelude, and the aftermath. Solitaire agrees to consider Deidal's request not to use one specific particularly-damaging tactic against her anymore.

Sy, Deidal, Renata, Solitaire, Equalizer, Thirteen [pending]
Sy Reopens Communication
with "The '06 Crew"

2024 » [04]
Apr. 19

Abuse, CSA System History
Click to ReadAfter file-diving through the 2005 and 2006 timeframe (excluding That One File), Sy forcibly reopens lines of communication with Deidal, Renata, Solitaire, Equalizer, Thirteen, and Servant.

They discuss the events leading up to That One File, and the additional CSA episodes following it. They also discuss how and when to revisit That One File.

Sy, Deidal, Renata, Solitaire, Equalizer, Thirteen, Servant [pending]
Sy Revisits 2005 & 2006

2024 » [04]
Apr. 03

Abuse, CSA System History
Click to ReadSy accidentally stumbles into file-diving through 2005 and 2006. She remains submerged for over 2 weeks straight, unable to look away, and stirring several other system members in the process. At one point, Sy accidentally stays awake for 39 hours straight, without caffeine.

Sy, Deidal, Renata, Solitaire, Equalizer, Thirteen, Servant [pending]

2022 » [04]
Apr. 09

- Debut Days

Reese arrives within the system.

Reese -
November 2021

2021 » [11]

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadAbusive marriage abruptly ends overnight, after 10+ years together.

All -
Noa's Frontstuck Month

2021 » [10]
Oct. 10

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadNoa gets stuck in the body for almost a month, due to Leona being damaged beyond functioning by abuse.

Noa, Leona -
The Near Miss: Violent Physical Assault with a Deadly Weapon

2021 » [06]
June 23

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadThen-spouse physically breaks down our bedroom door and shoves a knife inches from the body's eyes.

All, Nadia -
Top Surgery

2018 » [11]
Nov. 13

- System History

The body finally gets top surgery (double mastectomy).

All -
Leona Becomes Host

2018 » [06]
June 26

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadVallery appoints Leona as current Host in Tahni's place, following yet more physical and emotional abuse from then-spouse.

All, Leona, Tahni, Vallery -
Hypothyroidism Dx

2017 » [05]
May 24

- System History

An ultrasound of the throat reveals adenopathy and a nodule on the body's thyroid.

All -

2017 » [05]

- System History

Ultrasounds reveal recurring cysts on the body's ovaries.

All -
Medical Shit

2017 » [04]
Apr. 07

- System History

Long-overdue enteroscopy discovers small ulcers and more inflammation; GI confirms these recurring ulcers help to explain two years of GI symptoms.

All -
Medical Shit

2017 » [03]

- System History

The body gets hospitalized overnight with very low iron, and has two iron infusions.

All -
Violent Physical Assault with a Weapon

2017 » [01]
Jan. 12

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadViolent physical assault with a weapon and threats from then-spouse.

Abuse continues for weeks.

Recurring nightmare(s) for months.

All, Tahni -

2016 » [05]
May 20

- System History

Sienna breaks off a shard of her own gem, with Renata's help. Ari takes over the body's life.

All, Ari, Sienna, Renata -
Renata Gives Up & Tyris Doesn't

2016 » [05]
May 11

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadTyris tries to cut ties; Renata gives up and resigns herself to settling for Yet More irrational and demonizing abuse.

All, Renata, Tyris -
Metta On-Board

2016 » [05]
May 03

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadSy gives up on trying to keep Metta from allowing himself to be exploited by our then-spouse's abuse cycle.

All, Metta, Sy -
Limit Reached

2016 » [04]
Apr. 27 to 30

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadCJ silences Metta for not censoring himself well enough when caught off-guard, and Sienna's tentative optimism for change is shattered in a way she could never have anticipated.

Deyva tries to cut ties and Sy tries to remove her own gem. CJ tries to wake Metta, but is prevented from it by Deyva, Blasphemy, and Tyris, who take him elsewhere.

All, Metta, Sienna, CJ, Deyva, Tyris, Blasphemy -
The Cycle Continues

2016 » [04]
Apr. 22 to 26

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadMetta gives up and embraces collective destruction in the name of serving our abusers' whims to maintain more peaceful cohabitation with less abuse. Tyris reminds Deidal not to get hopeful. Metta also helps to convince Sy to give up on trying to build an open, honest, loving relationship; instead, she prioritizes silencing her compulsive honesty and hollowly performing whatever our then-spouse and their headmates want, in order to reduce abuse.

All, Metta, Sy, Deidal, Tyris -
The Inescapable Cycle

2016 » [04]
Apr. 19

- System History

Renata, Tyris, and Deidal can't justify trusting our then-spouse or their headmates again, yet are aware there isn't much choice but to evaluate whether their claims of "making changes" actually stick this time. Thirteen hibernates.

All, Renata, Tyris, Deidal, Thirteen -
Low Potassium Again

2016 » [04]
Apr. 13

- System History

Another hospital stay due to cardiac symptoms and low potassium. Also, Homestuck ends.

All -
Renata Wakes Up

2016 » [04]
Apr. 11

- System History

Renata wakes up.

All, Renata -
Promises & Bandaids

2016 » [04]
Apr. 05 to 08

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadAfter a week of Yet More promises and bandaids, Deidal is pushed to numbly settle for continuing abuse and empty promises, because "it's going to keep happening either way so why bother feeling anything about it." Deidal's old top hat keeps reappearing, even though she keeps taking it off.

On the 7th, she starts on Deidal's Place reconstruction plans, with her original purpose of giving younger system members a safe place to go. On the 8th, Tyris is no longer able to keep Renata asleep.

All, Deidal, Tyris, Renata -
Deidal Burns her Place Down & Quackie Becomes the Fire

2016 » [03]
Mar. 30

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadDeidal's Place is burnt down, in her attempts to prevent our then-spouse's abuse cycle from starting up again with another round of promises and bandaids.

Quackie embraces flames.

All, Deidal, Quackie -
Deidal & Tyris Try to Spare Renata

2016 » [03]
Mar. 29

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadFollowing Yet More abuse from our then-spouse and their headmates, Deidal and Tyris try to keep Renata isolated away from them.

All, Deidal, Tyris, Renata -
Then-Spouse's Racism

2016 » [03]
Mar. 28

- System History

Then-spouse admits to some of the racist stereotypes they'd been projecting onto us for almost a decade.

All -
Metta's Synthetic Ninetales Form

2016 » [03]
Mar. 27

- System History

Metta tries out his synthetic Ninetales form.

Metta -
Fibromyalgia Dx

2016 » [03]
Mar. 21

- System History

The body is diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

All -
Deidal Refocused

2016 » [03]
Mar. 18

- System History

Deidal helps Renata and is able to refocus for the first time since at May of 2015, if not longer.

All, Deidal, Renata -
Renata Wakes Up

2016 » [03]
Mar. 03

- System History

Renata wakes up and stays in Deidal's tower with her.

All, Renata, Deidal -
Renata's Gem Conversion

2016 » [02]
Feb. 29

- System History

Apathy permits Sienna to convert Renata's body into a gem, as she did with Deidal and Sy. Deidal is given Renata's gem to safeguard.

Renata, Sienna, Deidal, Apathy -
Thirteen Shapeshifts & Sy Angers Deidal

2016 » [02]
Feb. 27

- System History

Thirteen tries out a Treecko form. Sy irritates Deidal, suspecting it's one of the fastest ways to refocus her.

Thirteen, Sy, Deidal -
Thirteen Leaves her Dome

2016 » [01]
Jan. 12

- System History

Thirteen leaves her dome, within a smaller one. Over time she uses the smaller dome less.

All, Thirteen -
Dehumanizing Tropes

2016 » [01]
Jan. 01

Abuse, CSA, NSFW System History
Click to ReadThen-spouse admits to using fetishized tropey versions of ace-spectrum CSA-victim system members for NSFW fantasies, without our knowledge or consent.

All -
Yet More Adventures in Chronic Illness

2015 » [12]

- System History

Weeks of abdominal pain, near-constant nausea, palpitations, and light-headedness, along with two rounds of antibiotics.

All -
Sy Hears Hamilton

2015 » [12]
Dec. 10

- System History

Sy resonates painfully with certain lines from Hamilton, finding them relatable in a "black/brown hyperlogical autistic AFAB in a white world" kind of way (ex: "Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead," "he looked at me like I was stupid - I'm not stupid," "I got a lot of brains but no polish," "I know I "talk too much," I'm "abrasive,"" etc).

Sy -
Deidal's Awareness & Thirteen Exploring Recovery

2015 » [11]
Nov. 20

- System History

Deidal is drawn back toward fuller awareness for the first time in months, but is still fairly dissociated. Thirteen explores the possibility of shapeshifting, logically figuring that a more neutral association with it would be beneficial in terms of recovery.

Deidal, Thirteen -
Sy & Deidal Briefly Turn 16

2015 » [11]
Nov. 17

- System History

Sy and Deidal reach age 16, for a little while.

Sy, Deidal -
Sy Gets Tired & Then More Tired

2015 » [11]
Nov. 13

Abuse System History
Click to ReadSienna is damaged by Yet More abuse from our then-spouse; Sy takes over and cusses then-spouse out while explaining logically why said abuse is unacceptable. Then-spouse insists they were just having a particularly bad day but really do want to stop, and Sy eventually gives in to hope for change Yet Again.

All, Sy, Sienna -
Sy Unties her Scarf

2015 » [10]
Oct. 31

Abuse System History
Click to ReadSy unties the reddish-magenta scarf from around her eyes, giving our abusive then-spouse and their headmates Yet Another chance to grow together with us as a family recovering from trauma, after repeated insistence from our then-spouse that they want to do that with us.

All, Sy -
Sy's New Scarf

2015 » [10]
Oct. 23

- System History

Lacuna and Deyva stop keeping Sy dissociated with Lacuna's blue scarf, but Sy replaces Lacuna's blue with reddish-magenta to maintain emotional disconnection.

Sy, Lacuna, Deyva -
Sienna Resurrects Sy & Deidal

2015 » [10]
Oct. 14

Death System History
Click to ReadSienna enacts the resurrection plan she came up with the previous day to appease our then-spouse and their headmates. Sienna uses the biomatter of Sy and Deidal's deceased human bodies to create new Iolite gem bodies for them.

Deyva and Lacuna collaborate on keeping Sy dissociated, while Deidal's gem almost immediately cracks under extreme pressure.

All, Sy, Deidal, Sienna, Lacuna, Deyva -
Apathy Haunts Tyris

2015 » [10]
Oct. 08

Death System History
Click to ReadApathy is confirmed to be using Renata's possessed body to haunt Tyris, trying to get her to "unalive."

Tyris, Apathy -

2015 » [10]
Oct. 05

Abuse System History
Click to ReadCJ splits Sienna, after Vandal doesn't prove useful enough for her plans to appease our abusive then-spouse. Sienna spends a long while in the kitchen, pacing and practicing old ballet moves from the body's childhood, while singing "Do It For Her" from Steven Universe.

Sienna is aware that she exists to try again and again and again to make things better with our then-spouse, no matter how long it takes or how many times Sienna gets abused in the process.

All, Sienna, CJ -
Apathy Possesses Renata

2015 » [10]
Oct. 03

Death System History
Click to ReadAfter Renata is drowned, her body is possessed by Apathy while the rest of her is held by Azo deep underwater.

All, Renata, Apathy, Azo, Tyris -
Vandal Finds Thirteen

2015 » [09]
Sep. 29

- System History

Avoiding chaos at the front, Vandal ventures deeper into the innerverse and finds Thirteen in her isolation dome; Thirteen is consulted re: CJ's descent into traumatic bonding.

All, Thirteen, Vandal -
CJ Goes "Full Thirteen"

2015 » [09]
Sep. 27

Abuse System History
Click to ReadRunning out of options to appease the abusive then-spouse, CJ goes "full Thirteen" and forcibly locks Zinnia into fronting, intending to put Renata away like Sy and Deidal.

All, CJ, Zinnia, Renata -
Sy & Deidal Gone

2015 » [09]
Sep. 26

Abuse, Death System History
Click to ReadRenata gets confirmation that Deyva has helped facilitate Sy's death, and that Tyris has suffocated Deidal in the vacuum of space within the Innerverse, following Yet More neglect and horrifying realizations about the "relationship" with our abusive then-spouse and their headmates.

All, Renata, Sy, Deidal, Tyris, Deyva -
Renata & Quackie Make a Deal

2015 » [09]
Sep. 10

Abuse System History
Click to ReadRenata makes a deal with Quackie enabling the latter to "equalize" pain before it gets shoved inside to Deidal. Tyris keeps trying to figure out how to get Renata away from the body's life and our then-spouse's abuse.

All, CJ, Renata, Tyris, Deidal -
CJ Does What's Required

2015 » [09]
Sep. 07

Abuse System History
Click to ReadThe night after Tyris intensifies her reprogramming work with Deidal, CJ bans free autistic expression to appease the abusive then-spouse. Renata doesn't know what to do or say without any preapproved scripts for how to avoid getting irrationally demonized by our then-spouse's insecure projections.

All, CJ, Renata, Tyris, Deidal -
Renata Withdraws & Tyris Starts Reprogramming Deidal

2015 » [08]
Aug. 29

Abuse System History
Click to ReadTavi ends up in control of the body for a couple days when Renata withdraws in the face of Yet More intentional trust violation. Tyris works on keeping Renata away from the body's life, and experiments with reprogramming Deidal.

All, Renata, Tyris, Tavi -
Deyva Makes a List

2015 » [08]
Aug. 28

Abuse System History
Click to ReadAfter yet more abuse, Deyva makes a list of system members she says won't survive another episode.

All, Deyva -
The Body's Medical Deterioration

2015 » [08]

- System History

Renata has an increasingly difficult time managing stabbing abdominal pains, cardiac issues, and severely limiting dietary restrictions cutting out most of our favorite/safe foods, alongside new medical trauma and overwhelming awareness of the ways in which ableism and misogynoir intertwine with it.

All, Renata -
Sy Keeps Rusty Asleep

2015 » [07]
July 09

Abuse System History
Click to ReadSy starts trying to put Rusty into deep sleep, in attempts to spare him the awareness of her giving our abusive then-partner and their headmates Yet Another chance.

All, Fifteen, Deidal -
Deidal Merged

2015 » [06]
July 07

Abuse System History
Click to ReadFifteen assists with merging Deidal's states, but remains displeased by the way Deidal continues decimating herself to serve as a dehumanized attention-and-support dispenser for our abusive then-partner and their headmates.

All, Fifteen, Deidal -
Deidal Separated

2015 » [06]
June 27

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadAfter a long period of neglect and isolation from so-called "friends" who had found their attention fix elsewhere, Deidal is targeted by Memorie again. CJ manipulates innerverse symbolism and breaks her in two, isolating the majority where Memorie can't reach. Cosmic - already having a tenuous connection lately while Deidal was breaking down - is left without a prophet.

All, Deidal, Tyris, Cosmic, Memorie, CJ, Solitaire, Malady, Bubble, Disko, Deyva -
CJ's Umbreon Form

2015 » [06]
June 24

- System History

CJ tries out an Umbreon form.

CJ -
Sy & Rusty are Unfused

2015 » [06]
June 18

- System History

Sy and Rusty's unwilling fusion is finally undone.

All, Sy, Rusty -
Stabbing Abdominal Pains

2015 » [05]
May & June

- System History

Almost overnight, the body starts getting stabbing abdominal pains after eating most things, leading to an endoscopy that identifies Barrett's Esophagus.

All -
Renata's Idea

2015 » [05]
May 26

- System History

Renata comes up with an idea that might work to separate Sy and Rusty from their unwilling fusion; however, she's reluctant to implement her idea due to its unpleasantly traumatic nature.

All, Renata, Sy, Rusty -
Deyva Updates Tyris

2015 » [05]
May 14

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadDeyva fills in Tyris on the domestic abuse situation.

All, Tyris, Deidal, Renata -
Tyris Wakes Up

2015 » [05]
May 12

- System History

Tyris wakes up and reconnects with Renata, who starts acclimating her to "the future." Tyris also begins customizing the cavern beneath Deidal's tower in the Multiplex.

All, Tyris, Renata, Deidal -
Deyva's Jacket

2015 » [05]
May 10

- System History

Deyva sees Tyris exploring innerverse machinations and is inspired to do the same herself. She starts wearing an internalized version of the purple jacket we made for our Blossom doll during the body's childhood.

Deyva -
Deidal Gives Up

2015 » [05]
May 08

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadDeidal gives up on personhood and resigns herself to weathering our then-partner's increasing abuse - just like she did in 2006 - instead of giving up and "unaliving" the body like Sy wanted.

All, Deidal, Sy -

2015 » [05]
May 06

- Debut Days

Tyris splits from Deidal.

All, Tyris, Deidal -
Sy Antagonizes Deidal

2015 » [05]
May 05

Abuse, DV, Sui System History
Click to ReadSy starts more intensely antagonizing Deidal within their shared dreamspace, trying to get her to give up and "unalive" the body so we can finally escape being repeatedly abused.

All, Deidal, Tyris -
Deidal Has a Realization

2015 » [05]
May 03

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadDeidal falls asleep again in the face of a horrifying realization about the abuse cycle of our then-partner and their headmates.

All, Deidal, Tyris -
Renata Contacts Cosmic

2015 » [05]
Apr. 26

- System History

Renata gradually gets comfortable enough to initiate contact with Cosmic.

All, Renata, Cosmic -
Sy & Rusty Stuck Together

2015 » [03]
Apr. 15

- System History

Sy's eyes turn dark reddish-magenta when she and Rusty are inadvertently fused. This is likely due to Delora, Cosmic, and Renata disrupting the internal Balance and Gravity in particular ways, combined with Sy reacting poorly to neglect and isolation.

All, Sy, Rusty -

2015 » [03]
Mar. 03

- Debut Days

Deidal connects with Cosmic. 5 days later, Cosmic tries out a blue Flareon form and loves it.

All, Cosmic, Deidal -
Deidal Tries a Dragon Form

2015 » [02]
Feb. 02

- System History

Deidal tries out a small dragon form.

Deidal -
Remy Reprograms & Wakes CJ

2015 » [01]
Jan. 14

- System History

Remy experiments with reprogramming CJ away from Angel and Ragdoll's priorities. CJ's eyes turn green. The next day, CJ wakes up.

All, Remy, CJ -
Renata Shuts Down Thirteen

2015 » [01]
Jan. 12

Abuse, CSA System History
Click to ReadThirteen directly interacts with Deidal for the first time in years, pursuing information related to 2006 that she's fixated on but Deidal isn't in a state to give. Renata points out one of the toxic methods Thirteen learned from "Jane" in 2006. Thirteen reconsiders, not wanting to use maladaptive techniques anymore.

All, Renata, Thirteen, Deidal -
Renata Turns 13

2015 » [01]
Jan. 11

- System History

Renata turns 13 and cuts her hair.

All, Renata, Deidal -
Deidal Confirms June 2006 to Sy

2015 » [01]
Jan. 10

Abuse, CSA System History
Click to ReadNew events in Homestuck prompt Certain Memories to resurface, and Deidal directly confronts Sy with the confirmation of what happened in June of 2006. Sy blames and screams at Deidal, before Renata threatens to flood Sy with the actual details of That One File if she doesn't leave Deidal alone.

All, Deidal, Sy, Renata, Remy -
Big Chop(s)

2015 » [01]
Jan. 09

- System History

Sy impulsively cuts off the body's ponytail. Deidal is unexpectedly also impacted by the appearance-change.

All, Sy, Deidal, Renata -
Deidal's Evidence List

2014 » [12]
Dec. 22

Abuse, CSA System History
Click to ReadDeidal makes a list of Certain Facts indicating more CSA in our childhood than we previously knew.

All, Deidal -
Deidal Turns 15 & Demi's Debut

2014 » [12]
Dec. 16

- Debut Days

After being 14 since November 30th of 2004, Deidal turns 15, on the same day Demi debuts.

All, Deidal, Demi -
Medical Shit

2014 » [12]
Dec. 09

- System History

The body is hospitalized for two nights with very low potassium.

All -
Thirteen Starts a Journal

2014 » [11]
Nov. 16

- System History

Remy gets Thirteen to start exploring the modern world with her own online journal account.

All, Thirteen, Remy -
Autism Dx

2014 » [11]

- System History

After several months of intensive research, finally self-diagnose Asperger's Syndrome / Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder; confirmed by therapist in early 2015.

All -

2014 » [10]
Oct. 31

- Debut Days

N1N3 (originally from Deyva's timeframe) intensely resonates with Terezi from Homestuck. She borrows Terezi's appearance like a protective Halloween costume - both to give herself an independent form for the first time, and to hide from Tatter, who came from her same side of an ancient divide within the system.

All, N1N3, Galilea -
System Mapping

2014 » [10]
Oct. & Nov.

- System History

Renata and Deidal marathon Homestuck in 3 weeks and devise system-wide custom 'classpect' titles for fun; titles actually end up being a useful tool for understanding certain system members and dynamics.

All, Renata, Deidal -
Remy Tries to Acclimate CJ

2014 » [05]
May 26

Abuse System History
Click to ReadRemy tries again, starting to bring CJ back to the front on a more regular basis, in attempts to ease her away from Angel and Dolly's "inoffensive compliance" programming. Unfortunately, said programming is soon reinforced by our then-spouse's continuing dehumanization.

Remy, CJ -
Further Slips the Mask

2014 » [03]
Mar. 28

Abuse System History
Click to ReadThen-partner's supposedly "logical" and "trustworthy" headmate irrationally demonizes, blames, and lashes out at the collective for then-partner's own failures, while minimizing then-partner's abuse and overinflating their "kindness."

Remy realizes that even with us prioritizing communication and mutual understanding on our end, our then-partner and their headmates did not view us as equal partners working toward shared goals. As such, any attempts to work together would continue to be ultimately futile, while they were still irrationally projecting misogynoir- and ableism-based demonizations onto us.

Remy leaves, while Dolly and Angel begin "restructuring" to appease the abusive then-partner.

All, Remy, Deidal, Renata, CJ, Angel, Dolly -
Escalating Alcoholism

2014 » [01]

Abuse, DV, Alcohol System History
Click to ReadDeidal and CJ take to increased alcoholism, in the face of helplessness re: continuing abuse and demonization.

All, Deidal, CJ -
The Manipulated Counselor

2013 » [11]
Nov. 07

Abuse, DV, SA System History
Click to ReadCouples counselor falls for then-partner's victim-playing white girl tears and downplaying of their abusive behavior; the collective is demonized for being "too hurt" by repeated intentional violations of love, trust, and consent.

Over the following years, then-partner is gradually revealed to be a covert, often-premeditated, and violently abusive sexual predator; counselor falling for that victim-playing shit set us back several years in breaking away from them, due to worries that we were "overreacting" to the continuing, escalating abuses.

All -
It's Happening Over Again: The Undeniable Cycle

2013 » [10]
Oct. 24

Abuse, DV, SA, CSA System History
Click to ReadRemy tries to host a discussion between us and our then-partner/their headmates, the day after our then-partner's latest episode of abuse. They knew they had fucked up something minor, but when they were caught lying about it, they pivoted and spent a Very Very Long Time acting like Deidal was ~being paranoid~, in a Very Intentional, Drawn-Out, and Devoted attempt to mindfuck us out of our fully accurate perception of reality.

They knew we knew something was up, and they prioritized spending So Long trying Yet Again to make us think we were ~crazy~, all because they would rather sacrifice our well-being and the foundation of the entire relationship than face even the slightest hint of discomfort over their own minor error.

Then-partner knew the exact CSA-related reasons why that specific type of abuse viscerally destroys us - especially Deidal - but for our then-partner and all of their silent accomplice headmates, it was worth it to spend So Long intentionally wrecking us anyway.

While discussing the event later, they Once Again minimize their abusive behavior, playing the victim and trying to vilify us for acknowledging the fact that they have certain abusive behaviors in common with "Jane." Malady torments Deidal with the horrifying knowledge that our new "friends" are likely going to repeat the same 2006 cycle of begging us to stay and insisting things will change, while continuously enabling their host's abuse.

Deidal can't bring herself to cut ties with her so-called "friend," but she and Remy also can't escape the haunting awareness that if they were all willing to enable the intentional violation of our love and trust like this, for So Long, over something so painfully trivial, and then play the victim about it, then they'd almost certainly do the same over things that were very much Not trivial.

CJ had reconnected with Deidal and supported waking the rest of "the '06 crew" with the belief that "things are different and we're safe from intentional abuse now," so they could start to heal - but with this particular escalation of abusive behavior, it becomes abruptly clearer that certain things actually aren't so different at all.

Spoilers: we were correct in our assessment of the situation. This entitlement to intentionally violate our love, trust, and consent (yes, including sexually) with manipulation and exploitation (often premeditated, sometimes opportunistic) would remain an increasingly persistent theme with our then-partner - in addition to stealing thousands from us, threats to kill our cat and family members, and violent physical assaults with weapons.

All, Deidal, Malady, Solitaire, Remy, CJ -
Fifteen Mediates Between Deidal & Sy

2012 » [11]
Nov. 27

- System History

Deidal and Sy meet Fifteen, who mediates a tense conversation between them.

Fifteen, Deidal, Sy, Pavoroso -
Sy Wakes Up

2012 » [11]
Nov. 14

- System History

For the first time since 2006, Sy is no longer kept asleep by Rusty and other members of her subsystem.

All, Sy, Rusty -
Deidal Contacts Rusty

2012 » [10]
Oct. 18

- System History

Deidal reconnects with Rusty, who had been away from the front since 2006.

All, Renata, Deidal -
Deidal Resurrects Renata

2012 » [09]
Sep. 17

- System History

With the help of a Creation, Deidal is able to resurrect Renata. She returns at age 12, rather than age-sliding from 10 to 12 as she used to. She's also wearing Quackie's jacket instead of her old trenchcoat.

All, Renata, Deidal -
Deidal Starts Pestering the Watchtower

2012 » [06]
June 08

- System History

After creating the Watchtower within the Multiplex to relocate Sy and her subsystem, Deidal begins trying to reopen lines of communication with some subsystem members.

All, Deidal -
Deidal Leaves the Swamp

2012 » [06]
June 02

- System History

Deidal leaves the swamp; she meets Galilea, and reconnects with Quackie, who speaks for the first time since 2006.

Deidal, Quackie, Galilea -
The Multiplex

2012 » [05]
May 31

- System History

Deidal finds CJ's incomplete design for the Multiplex within the Innerverse, then finishes and creates it, along with her own room.

All, Deidal, CJ -
Deidal's Return

2012 » [05]
May 15

- System History

CJ gets Equalizer to allow her into the swamp, where Deidal had been since October of 2006.

All, Deidal, CJ, Equalizer [pending]
CJ Shuts Down Solitaire

2012 » [05]
May 14

- System History

After reviewing files from 2005 and 2006, CJ shuts down a persecutory attack from Solitaire using new knowledge gained via the files and the almost-complete psychology degree.

All, CJ, Solitaire [pending]
CJ Contacts Equalizer

2012 » [04]
Apr. 17

- System History

CJ contacts Equalizer, bringing her near the front for the first time since late 2006, in order to ask about reaching Deidal.

CJ, Equalizer, Deidal -

2012 » [02]

- System History

After 4 straight months of nausea and GI symptoms, the body is finally diagnosed with Laryngopharyngeal Reflux.

All -
October 2010

2010 » [10]

Abuse, DV System History
Click to ReadIntense abuse from our then-partner shortly after they move in with us. CJ is "restructured" to reduce further abuse.

All, CJ, Zinnia, Fifteen, Galilea, Adela -

2006 » [10]
Oct. 27

- Debut Days

CJ debuts, helping Zinnia manage the body's life and post-traumatic symptoms in the others' absence.

All, CJ, Zinnia -
June 2006

2006 » [06]

Abuse, CSA System History
Click to ReadSeveral episodes of CSA are committed by "Jane" from June to roughly August.

All, Thirteen, Deidal, Renata, Solitaire, Equalizer -

2005 » [03]

- System History

Sy comes across the DID diagnosis and is horrified by how hauntingly accurate it is, after thinking for years that her "hearing voices" was some type of psychosis; later confirmed by multiple therapists.

All, Sy, Deidal -

2004 » [11]
Nov. 30

- Debut Days

Deidal essentially wakes up a year into her own future, with very little knowledge of the life Sy had been leading in her absence.

All, Deidal, Sy -

2004 » [03]

- Debut Days

In roughly Spring of 2004, Sy takes over the body's life, as AJ withdraws and Lacuna puts Deidal to sleep.

Sy, Deidal, AJ, Lacuna -

2002 » [07]

- Debut Days

AJ takes over the body's life, as Renata withdraws from it due in part to intense dysphoria re: imminent puberty.

AJ, Renata -

2000 » [00]

- Debut Days

Renata takes over the body's life.

Renata -